Part I
1. Compulsory registration of births, deaths, etc.
2. Appointment of Registrar-General.
3. Appointment of Chief Registrar.
4. Appointment of Deputy Chief Registrar.
5. Appointment of registrars and other staff.
6. Establishment of registration centres.
PART II: Registration of births
7. Registration of births in Nigeria.
8. Persons responsible for registering births.
9. Persons to give information concerning a birth.
10. Time limit for registration.
11. Registration of name subsequent to registration of birth.
12. Registration of birth of child out of wedlock.
13. Persons baptizing
14. Persons performing the naming ceremony.
15. Certificate of registration of birth.
16. Registrar may summon persons to register births.
PART III: Registration of deaths
17. Particulars of death to be registered.
18. Information concerning death.
19. Medical certificate of death.
20. When certificate is issued by coroner.
21. Registration of death free of charge.
22. Registrar to issue certificate of burial.
23. Burial of deceased child as still-born.
PART IV: Returns of births, deaths, etc., by certain bodies
24. Information about deaths to be furnished by registrars of professional bodies.
25. Armed forces.
26. Department in Health Ministries responsible for statistics.
27. Passengers list to be transmitted to Registrar-General.
28. Returns of births and deaths in Nigerian ships.
29. Registration of adoption order.
PART V: Registration of customary marriages or divorces
30. Registration of customary marriages.
31. Register of marriages and divorces.
32. Abstract to be sent to the Registrar.
33. Registers and records to be deposited with the Registrar-General.
34. Application of certain provisions of the Marriage Act.
PART VI: Returns by registrars, etc.
35. Returns to be made by registrar.
36. Quarterly returns by Deputy Chief Registrar.
37. Quarterly returns by Chief Registrars.
38. Annual reports.
39. Entry in register as evidence of birth or death.
40. Correction of errors in registers.
41. Search of entries kept by Registrar-General.
PART VII: Miscellaneous
42. Delivery up of books, etc., on ceasing to hold office.
43. Provision of register boxes.
44. Registrar-General, etc., public officers.
45. Power to compound offences.
PART VIII: Offences, etc.
46. Offences.
47. Penalty for forging certificates, etc.
48. Penalties for failure to give information.
49. Regulations.
50. Interpretation.
51. Repeals and amendment of certain enactments.
52. Short title.
An Act to provide for the registration of births, deaths, etc., and for matters connected therewith.
COMMENCEMENT [14th December, 1992]
1. Compulsory registration of births, deaths, etc.
Notwithstanding the provisions of any enactment relating to the registration of births and deaths, the registration of births and deaths shall as from the commencement of this Act, be compulsory in all cases and shall be effected as provided under the provisions of this Act.
2. Appointment of Registrar-General
(1) There shall be appointed by the National Population Commission (in this Act referred to as “the
Commission”) a person to be known as the Registrar-General who shall exercise the powers and perform the duties conferred or imposed under or pursuant to this Act.
(2) The Registrar-General may issue such general directions regarding registration of births and deaths as may be necessary for the efficient implementation of the Act and shall take steps to co-ordinate and unify the activities of all registration officials involved in the implementation of this Act.
3. Appointment of Chief Registrar
For each State in the Federation and the Federal Capital Territory, Abuja, there shall be appointed a Chief Registrar who shall be subject to the Registrar-General and be responsible for overseeing the activities relating to the registration of births and deaths within the State or the Federal Capital Territory, Abuja to which he is appointed.
4. Appointment of Deputy Chief Registrar
(1) There shall be appointed for each Local Government Area within a State or each Area Council in the Federal Capital Territory, Abuja, a Deputy Chief Registrar.
(2) The Deputy Chief Registrar shall be subject to the general direction of the Registrar-General and the Chief Registrar and be responsible for the implementation of this Act within the Local Government Area or Area Council to which he is appointed.
5. Appointment of registrars and other staff The Commission may appoint for the purposes of this Act such other number of registrars of different grades as the Commission may consider necessary for the enforcement of the provisions of this Act.
6. Establishment of registration centres
(1) The Commission may-
(a) establish such registration centres as may be necessary, specifying in each case, the catchment area, of such centres;
(b) appoint registrars in each of the registration centres;
(c) appoint such other supporting staff as may be necessary.
(2) Notwithstanding anything contained in subsection (1) of this section, the Commission may appoint in the case of a prescribed institution, any officer or other employee thereof as institutional registrar for the purposes of this Part of this Act.
PART II: Registration of births
7. Registration of births in Nigeria
Subject to the provisions of this Part of this Act, the birth of every child born in Nigeria shall be registered by the registrar of births and deaths for the area in which the child was born by entering in a register kept for that area such particulars concerning the birth as may be prescribed and different registers shall be kept and different particulars may be prescribed for live births and still births respectively:
Provided that, where a living new-born child is found exposed and no information as to the place of birth is available, the birth shall be registered by the registrar of births and deaths for the area in which the child is found.
8. Persons responsible for registering births
It shall be the duty of the following persons to give information either orally or in writing concerning a birth, that is-
(a) in respect of a birth in a house not being a place referred to in paragraphs (c) to (d) of this subsection- (i) the father and mother of the child; or
(ii) the head of the house or the person recognised as the head of the household; or
(iii) the occupier of the house in which the child was, to the knowledge of the occupier, born; or
(iv) any person aged 18 years and above present at the birth or any person having charge of the child;
(b) in respect of a birth in a hospital, health centre, maternity or nursing home or other like institution-
(i) the medical officer in charge of such institution; or
(ii) any person authorised by him in that behalf;
(c) in respect of a birth in a hostel, boarding house, lodging house, hotel, tavern, barracks or place of public resort, the person in charge thereof;
(d) in respect of a new-born child found exposed or deserted in a public place-
(i) the person finding the child; or
(ii) the person in whose charge the child may be placed; or
(iii) the nearest police officer.
9. Persons to give information concerning a birth
It shall be the duty of-
(a) the doctor, midwife or any other medical attendant, village maternity assistant, nurse, traditional birth attendant, other than a person in or attached to the institutions referred to in section 8 of this Act; or
(b) the village head, tax collector, health inspector, forest ranger or any other local functionary as may be notified; or
(c) every religious minister, imam or other persons officiating religious services connected with births, naming ceremonies including baptism; or
(d) such other persons as may be notified of any birth; to give information concerning a birth to the registrar in the area in which the child was born.
10. Time limit for registration
(1) It shall be the duty of any person required to give information concerning any birth, to give to the registrar before the expiration of a period of sixty days from the date of the birth, information of the particulars required to be registered concerning the birth:
Provided that the giving of information and the signing of the register by anyone qualified informant shall act as a discharge of any duty under this section of every other qualified informant.
(2) Notwithstanding the provisions of subsection (1) of this section, a birth may be registered after the expiration of-
(a) sixty days and within twelve months after the birth by the registrar or the Deputy Chief Registrar in whose custody the relevant register of births may be at the time the report for registration is received and subject to the payment of such fees as may be prescribed;
(b) twelve months there from with the authority of the Deputy Chief Registrar and subject to the payment of such fees as may be prescribed.
11. Registration of name subsequent to registration of birth
(1) Where a birth has been registered, and it is desired to change the name of the child or where a birth has been registered without a name and a name is subsequently given to the child, the parent or guardian of such child may within twelve months after the registration of the birth, deliver to the Deputy Chief Registrar or the registrar as the case may be, an application in the prescribed form.
(2) The Deputy Chief Registrar or the registrar upon receipt of such application and upon payment of such fees as may be prescribed shall, without erasure of the original entry, forthwith enter in the register the name mentioned in the said application as having been given to the child.
12. Registration of birth of child out of wedlock
Notwithstanding anything in the foregoing provisions of this Act, in the case of a child born out of wedlock, no person acting as father of the child shall be required to give information concerning the birth of the child and the registrar shall not enter in the register the name of any person as the father of the child except-
(a) at the joint request of the mother and the person acknowledging himself to be the father of the child and in which case that person shall sign the register together with the mother; or
(b) at the request of the mother on production of-
(i) a declaration in the prescribed form made by the mother stating that the said person is the father of the child; or
(ii) a statutory declaration made by that person acknowledging himself to be the father of the child.
13. Persons baptising
(1) A religious minister or other person who shall baptise an infant whose birth is registrable shall before performing the rite of baptism upon such infant, require production to him of a certificate of registration of the birth of such infant signed by the registrar of the area within which the infant was born.
(2) In cases where no certificate shall be produced to him, he shall, within forty-eight hours from the baptism, notify the said registrar of the birth in the manner prescribed under section 9 of this Act.
14. Persons performing the naming ceremony
An imam or other person who performs the naming ceremony of any infant whose birth is registrable, shall, after performing the rites of naming the infant, forward the name or WOSIKAT to the registrar of the area within which the infant was born.
15. Certificate of registration of birth
The registrar shall upon registering a birth deliver to the informant, free of charge, a certificate of birth provided that no such certificate shall be issued in the case of a still-born birth.
16. Registrar may summon persons to register births
When a birth has not been registered within such time as may be specified, the registrar may, by notice in writing, summon any of the persons required by law to register the birth to attend personally at the registry within such time as may be specified in the summons, being not less than two days after the receipt thereof and register the birth.
PART III: Registration of deaths
17. Particulars of death to be registered
The death of every person dying in Nigeria and the cause thereof shall as from the commencement of this Act, be registered by the registrar of births and deaths for the area, in which the death occurred by entering in a register kept for that area particulars concerning the death as may be prescribed:
Provided that where a dead body is found and no information as to the place of death is available, the death shall be registered by the registrar of births and deaths for the area in which the body is found. 18. Information concerning death
When a death occurs-
(a) in a house not being a place referred to in paragraphs (c) to (e) of this section-
(i) the head of the house or each household; or
(ii) any other relative of the deceased residing or being in the area where the death occurred; or
(iii) any person aged 18 years and above present at the time of the death; or
(iv) any inmate of the house who knew of the happening of the death within; or
(b) in a hospital, health centre, maternity or nursing home or other like institution, the medical officer in charge of or any person authorized by him in that behalf; or
(c) in a hostel, boarding house, lodging house, hotel, tavern, barracks or place of public resort, the person in charge thereof; or
(d) the keeper or owner of a place set apart for the disposal of dead bodies or any other person required by the Local Government to be present at such place; or
(e) in respect of a dead body found deserted in a public place, the ward head, village head or the police officer in charge of the area, shall within forty-eight hours of such death give information concerning such death to the registrar for the area where the death occurred.
19. Medical certificate of death
Every qualified medical practitioner who has attended a person during his last illness shall without charge deliver to the person required to register the death a certificate in the prescribed form and such person shall deliver such certificate to the registrar and the cause of death as stated in the certificate shall be entered in the death registration form and such registers as may be prescribed.
20. When certificate is issued by coroner
(1) Where an inquest is held on and a certificate rendered in respect of any dead body under the provisions of the Coroners Law no person shall, with respect to such dead body or the death, be liable to attend upon a summons of the registrar or be subject to any penalty for failing to give information in pursuance of any provision of this Act, and a qualified medical practitioner shall not be required to give a medical certificate under section 19 of this Act.
(2) The fact of death and the particulars contained in the said certificate shall be entered in the prescribed form and manner.
(3) If the death had been previously registered, the particulars shall be so entered without any alteration of the original entry.
21. Registration of death free of charge
(1) Where the registrar receives personally from any qualified informant, at any time before the expiration of seven days from the date of death or finding of the dead body of any person, information of the particulars required to be registered concerning that person’s death, then, as soon as he has received any particulars required to be registered concerning the cause of death which are required to be given by any person other than the informant, he shall forthwith register the death and the particulars, if not previously registered, in the prescribed form and manner without the payment of any fee or reward from the informant.
(2) Subject to such conditions as to fees as may be prescribed by the Registrar-General, a death may after the expiration of thirty days but within twelve months be registered by the registrar or Deputy Chief Registrar in whose custody the relevant register of deaths may be at the time the report for registration is received.
(3) After the expiration of twelve months from the date of death or finding of the dead body of any person, such death shall not be registered except with the written authority of the Deputy Chief Registrar.
(4) The provisions of subsections (2) and (3) of this section, shall be without prejudice to any action that may be taken against a person for failure on his part to register any death within the time specified thereof and any such death may be registered during the pendency of any such action.
22. Registrar to issue certificate of burial
Upon registering a death or receiving information of the birth of any child as a still-born, the registrar shall issue a certificate in the form prescribed for the burial of the body:
Provided that a registrar shall not, without the written authority of a coroner, issue such certificate in any of the following cases if-
(a) it appears to the registrar that there is reason to believe that the deceased died either a violent or unnatural death or died suddenly from a cause unknown or whilst confined in a lunatic asylum or in prison; (b) the registrar considers that the circumstances connected with the death require investigation; or
(c) he is informed that a report concerning the death in question has been or is about to be made to the coroner.
23. Burial of deceased child as still-born
(1) No person shall willfully bury or otherwise dispose of or procure to be buried or otherwise to dispose of the body of any deceased child as if it were stillborn.
(2) A registrar shall not issue his certificate for the burial of any stillborn child before there is delivered to him either-
(a) a written certificate in the prescribed form that such child was not born alive signed by a qualified medical practitioner who was in attendance at the birth or who has examined the body of such child; or (b) a declaration in the prescribed form signed by some person who would, if the child had been born alive, have been required to register the birth, to the effect that no medical certificate can be obtained and that the child was not born alive.
PART IV: Returns of births, deaths, etc., by certain bodies
24. Information about deaths to be furnished by registrars of professional bodies
(1) The registrar of a registered professional body in Nigeria shall, on receiving notice of the death of any of its members, notify the Registrar-General within thirty days of the occurrence of the death.
(2) In this section, “a registered professional body” means a professional body registered under any enactment in force in Nigeria.
(3) If any person refuses or fails without reasonable excuse to give any information concerning any death which he is required by this section to give he shall be guilty of an offence and liable on conviction to a fine of N500 or imprisonment for a term of five months or to both such fine and imprisonment.
25. Armed forces
(1) The President shall make the regulations and appoint registering officers for recording-
(a) births, deaths and marriages occurring outside the Federal Republic of Nigeria among-
(i) members of the Nigerian Army, Navy and Air Force;
(ii) persons employed in a civilian capacity in such forces and their families;
(b) deaths occurring outside Nigeria among the families of persons in the service of specified welfare organizations who are employed with or are accompanying the armed forces abroad;
(c) births and deaths occurring in any part of the world on board any ship or aircraft of the armed forces or any other ship or aircraft not registered in Nigeria but for the time being employed for the purposes of the armed forces;
(d) death outside Nigeria of any person who, being a traveler on such an aircraft is killed on the journey in consequence of an accident;
(e) such births and deaths as are registrable by any person authorized by the President.
(2) Any person appointed as a registering officer pursuant to subsection (1) of this section, shall be provided by the Registrar-General with registers and also with forms for making certified entries thereto.
(3) A registering officer shall not make entries in the register unless information as to the particulars to be registered is given either orally or in writing by qualified informants who are specified in the regulations.
26. Department in Health Ministries responsible for statistics
(1) The department responsible for statistics within the Federal Ministry of Health and the Ministry of Health in each State of the Federation and the Federal Capital Territory, Abuja, shall be responsible for the collection of vital statistics comprising-
(a) the recording of births of Nigerians and non-Nigerians;
(b) the recording of deaths of Nigerians and non-Nigerians;
(c) the recording of still-births; and supply periodically to the Ministry such data.
(2) Every Ministry of Health shall procure, analyse and forward to the Chief Registrar in each State or to the
Registrar-General in the case of the Federal Ministry of Health, such vital and health statistics on births and deaths as may be required.
27. Passengers list to be transmitted to Registrar-General
Where under the Immigration Act, the captain or commander, as the case may be, of any ship or aircraft landing in Nigeria is required to supply to the immigration officer-in-charge with the lists showing disembarking passengers, transit passengers or passengers entering Nigeria for purposes of residence, the immigration officer shall on receipt of such list transmit to the Registrar-General on such date as may be appointed by the Registrar-General a certified copy of such lists together with particulars of age, sex, marriage, occupation or last permanent or intended residence of such person.
28. Returns of births and deaths in Nigerian ships
(1) The master of every Nigerian ship, whether registered or not in Nigeria, shall as soon as may be after the occurrence of the birth of a child or the death of a person happening on board his ship, record in his log book or otherwise the fact of the birth or death and such particulars as may be registered concerning the birth or death as may be known to him.
(2) The master of every Nigerian ship upon its arrival at any port in Nigeria or at such other time and place as the Minister of Transport may with respect to any ship or class of ships direct, deliver or transmit, in such form as the Registrar-General may direct, a return of the facts recorded by him in respect of the birth of a child or the death of a person on board such ship to the Registrar-General.
(3) The provisions of this Act relating to the rendering of returns by the Chief Registrar shall be construed as if references to the Chief Registrars were references to the master of a ship under this section.
(4) If the master of any ship fails to comply with any requirement of this section, he shall be liable for each offence to a fine not exceeding N500. 29. Registration of adoption order
(1) An adoption order made by a court of competent jurisdiction in Nigeria shall contain a direction to the Registrar-General to make in the register maintained pursuant to subsection (2) of this section an entry specifying such particulars as may be prescribed.
(2) The Registrar-General shall maintain a register to be called “Adopted Children’s Register” in which shall be made such entries as may be directed to be made therein by adoption orders.
PART V: Registration of customary marriages or divorces
30. Registration of customary marriages
(1) Notwithstanding anything contained in any enactment, every customary marriage contracted in or dissolved in Nigeria shall immediately after the commencement of this Act, be registered within sixty days in the area court or customary court where the marriage was contracted or dissolved.
(2) Every court registrar shall keep a marriage registrar and such books as may be prescribed by the Registrar – General and as soon as practicable after the end of each month deliver to the Chief Registrar such returns and in such form as the Registrar – General may require.
31. Register of marriages and divorces
(1) The court registrar before whom dissolution of marriage is registered shall maintain a register of divorces and shall forthwith enter therein the prescribed particulars of all orders of divorces sent to him.
(2) Any court which grants and records an order of divorce or which permits and records any talaq or any other form of divorce shall forthwith send a certified copy of the record to the Chief Registrar. (3) In sections 30 and 31 of this Act “court” means the customary court or area court; and
“Registrar‖ means the registrar of a customary court or area court.
32. Abstract to be sent to the Registrar-General
The Chief Registrar shall furnish to the Registrar-General at such time as he may specify a general abstract of the number of marriages and divorces registered during the preceding year in such form as the RegistrarGeneral may require.
33. Registers and records to be deposited with the Registrar-General
All registers, records, indexes and other documents relating to the registration of customary marriages and divorces which are at the commencement of this Act deposited elsewhere, and all registers and records in the custody and control of registrars which now are, or hereafter shall be, disused or filled shall be deposited in the custody of the Registrar-General or in such place as he may direct.
34. Application of certain provisions of the Marriage Act
Any provision under the Marriage Act relating to the forwarding by the registrar of marriages to the principal registrar of a certified copy of all entries made by him during the preceding months in the marriage register of his area shall have effect and be construed as if references to the principal registrar were reference to the Chief Registrar under this Act.
PART VI: Returns by registrars, etc.
35. Returns to be made by registrar
A registrar shall furnish to the Deputy Chief Registrar such returns and reports at such intervals and in such forms as may be prescribed by the Registrar-General regarding entries required to be made by such registrars pursuant to the provisions of this Act.
36. Quarterly returns by Deputy Chief Registrar
(1) A Deputy Chief Registrar shall in the months of January, April, July and October and on such days as may be appointed by the Registrar-General make and deliver to the Chief Registrar in the prescribed form and manner of all entries of births and deaths, made in the register, kept by him during the period of three months ending with the last day of the month immediately preceding that in which a copy is required by this section to be made.
(2) If no birth or death has been registered during that period, deliver to the Chief Registrar in the prescribed form a certificate to that effect under his hand.
(3) When a certified true copy is delivered to the Chief Registrar under subsection (1) of this section, the
Chief Registrar shall verify the copy and if the copy is found to be correct, shall certify it under his hand to be a true copy and where a certificate that there has been no registration is so delivered, the Chief
Registrar shall countersign the certificate.
37. Quarterly returns by Chief Registrars
Every Chief Registrar shall four times in every year on such dates as may be appointed by the RegistrarGeneral send to the Registrar-General all certified copies of entries in the register of births and deaths which he has received during the three months preceding the days so appointed respectively and if the copy of any part of any register has not been duly delivered to him, the Chief Registrar shall procure as soon as is possibly consistent with the provisions of this Act that the deficiency be remedied.
38. Annual reports
The Registrar-General shall send to the Commission annually in such form as the Commission may, from time to time require, a general abstract of the number of live births, still births, deaths and marriages registered in the preceding year.
39. Entry in register as evidence of birth or death
(1) The entry or a certified copy of an entry of a birth or death in a register, or in a certified copy of a register, shall not be evidence of the birth or death unless the entry is signed by some person professing to be the informant and such person as may be required by this Act or any law at the date of the entry to give to the registrar information concerning that birth or death.
(2) The provisions of subsection (1) of this section shall not apply–
(a) in relation to an entry of a birth made with the authority of the Registrar-General;
(b) in relation to an entry of a death made upon a certificate from a coroner; or
(c) in relation to an entry of a birth or death made in pursuance of any enactment relating to the registration of births and deaths at sea.
(3) A certified copy of an entry in a register or in a certified copy of a register shall be deemed to be a true copy notwithstanding that it is made on a form different from that of which the original entry was made if any differences in the column headings under which the particulars appear in the original entry and the copy are respectively differences of form only and not of substance.
(4) The Registrar-General shall cause a certified copy of an entry given in the general register in the office to be sealed or stamped with the seal of the office and subject to the foregoing provisions of this section, a certified copy of an entry purporting to be sealed or stamped with the said seal shall be received as evidence of the birth or registration to which it relates without any force or other proof of the entry and no certified copy purporting to have been given by the said office shall be of any force or effect unless it is sealed or stamped as aforesaid.
40. Correction of errors in registers
(1) No alteration shall be made in any register of births or deaths except as authorized by this or any other enactment.
(2) A clerical error which may, from time to time, be discovered in any such register may, in the prescribed manner, be corrected by any person authorized in that behalf by the Registrar-General.
(3) An error of fact or substance in any such register may be corrected by entry in the margin (without any alteration of the original entry) by the officer having custody of the register upon production to him by the person concerned of a statutory declaration setting forth the nature of the error and the true facts of the case made by two qualified informants of the birth or death with reference to which the error has been made, or in default of two qualified informants then by two credible persons having knowledge of the truth of the case.
(4) When an error of fact or substance (other than an error relating to the cause of death) occurs in the information given by a coroner’s certificate concerning a dead body upon which, or a death touching which, he has held an inquest, the coroner may, if satisfied by evidence on oath or statutory declaration that such an error exists, certify under his hand to the officer having the custody of the register in which the information is entered the nature of the error and the true facts of the case as ascertained by him on that evidence and the errors may thereupon be corrected by that officer in the register by entering in the margin (without any alteration of the original entry) the facts as so certified by the coroner.
41. Search of entries kept by Registrar-General
(1) A person shall be entitled at all reasonable hours upon payment of the prescribed fee to inspect any entry in any register and to obtain a certified copy of an entry.
(2) A certified copy of an entry in a register shall be receivable in evidence in all courts in Nigeria.
PART VII: Miscellaneous
42. Delivery up of books, etc., on ceasing to hold office
(1) When any person ceases to hold office as a registrar of births and deaths for any area, all register boxes, keys, books and documents in his possession as holder of that office for that area shall be delivered up to his successor in office or if there is no successor, to such person as the Registrar-General may designate for that purpose.
(2) If any person who has in his custody or power any such article as aforementioned, willfully fails to deliver it up to, or account for it to the satisfaction of, the person in whose custody it should be, he shall be guilty of an offence and liable on conviction to a fine of N1,000 or imprisonment for a term of three months or to both such fine and imprisonment; and if the failure continues after he is convicted thereof he shall be guilty of a further offence and be liable on conviction to a fine of N2,000 or imprisonment for a term of six months imprisonment or to both such fine and imprisonment.
43. Provision of register boxes
(1) The Registrar-General shall provide such strong fire-resisting boxes as may be required to hold the registers kept by each registrar.
(2) Every registrar shall keep safely all registers which are in his custody and when not in use, the registers shall be kept in the register box provided for that purpose by the Registrar-General.
44. Registrar-General, etc., public officers
(1) The Registrar-General, Chief Registrar, Deputy Chief Registrar, and all other staff, by whatever designation called, appointed for or assigned duties under this Act, shall be officers in the public service of the Federation within the meaning of the Constitution of the Federal Republic of Nigeria 1999.
(2) No suit, prosecution or other legal proceedings shall be instituted against the Registrar-General, Chief Registrar, Deputy Chief Registrar or other officers (by whatever designation called) for anything done while performing any duty under this Act or for anything which is done in good faith or intended to be done in good faith or in pursuance of this Act or any regulation made there under.
45. Power to compound offences
(1) The Registrar-General or any person authorized in writing for that purpose by the Registrar-General, may, if he is satisfied that any person has committed an offence against this Act or any regulations made there under, compound such offence by accepting from such person a sum not exceeding N200.
(2) The power conferred by this section on the Registrar-General or any person authorised in that behalf shall only be exercised where the person admits that he has committed the offence and agrees to the offence being dealt with under this section.
(3) The person exercising the power under this section shall give to the person from whom he receives the sum of money a receipt thereof and shall as soon as practicable report the exercise of the power to the Registrar-General unless the person exercising the power is the Registrar-General himself.
(4) If any proceeding is brought against any person for an offence against this Act or any regulations there under it shall be a defense if the person proves that the offence with which he is charged has been compounded under this section.
(5) The money received under this section shall be dealt with as if it were a fine imposed by a court.
PART VIII: Offences, etc.
46. Offences
If any person commits any of the following offences, that is-
(a) being a registrar, he refuses or without reasonable cause omits to register any birth or death, or particulars concerning which information has been tendered to him by a qualified informant and which he is required by or under this Act to register; or
(b) being a person having custody of any register of births or deaths he carelessly loses or damages the register or allows the register to be damaged, he shall be guilty of an offence and liable on conviction to a fine of N1,000 or imprisonment for a term of six months or to both such fine and imprisonment.
47. Penalty for forging certificates, etc.
(1) If a person forges or falsifies any certificate, declaration or order under this Act, or knowingly uses or gives or sends to any person as genuine any false or forged certificate, declaration or order for the purposes of this Act, he shall be guilty of an offence and liable on conviction to a fine of N200 or imprisonment for a term of six months or to both such fine and imprisonment.
(2) If a magistrate is satisfied by information on oath that there is reasonable cause to believe that any article withheld in contravention of this section is in a specified house or place, he may grant a search warrant authorizing a police officer named therein to enter and search the house or place at any time and seize any article so found and any article so seized shall be delivered to the person in whose custody it should be.
48. Penalties for failure to give information
(1) If, any person commits any of the following offences, that is-
(a) being required by or under this Act or any other enactment to give information concerning any birth or death of any living newborn child or any dead body he willfully refuses to answer any question put to him by the registrar relating to the particulars required to be registered concerning the birth or death or save as provided in this Act, fails to comply with any requirement of the registrar made hereunder; or
(b) he refuses or fails without reasonable cause to give, deliver or send any certificate which he is required by this Act to give, deliver or send; or
(c) being a parent and save as provided in this Act, he fails to give information concerning the birth of his child as required by this Act; or
(d) being a person upon whom a duty to give information concerning a death is imposed by any enactment he fails to give that information, he shall be guilty of an offence and liable on conviction to a fine of not more than N50 or imprisonment for a term of one month or to both such fine and imprisonment in respect of each offence.
(2) If any person willfully obstructs the registrar or any other officer duly authorized in the lawful exercise of the powers vested in him under this Act, he shall be guilty of an offence and liable on conviction to a fine of N50 or imprisonment for a term of one month.
49. Regulations
The Commission may make regulations for the purposes of this Act and for the due administration thereof and in particular and without prejudice to the generality of the foregoing, such regulations may provide for the form of-
(a) the register of births, still-births, deaths, marriages, divorces, and other records required to be maintained under this Act;
(b) the procedure for summoning of persons by the Registrar-General; or
(c) any certificates required to be issued under this Act; or
(d) the manner of payment and quantum of fees required to be paid under this Act; or
(e) the procedure for authorizing any alteration in the register; or
(f) the procedure for and conditions regarding the compounding of offences; or
(g) the format of the statistical report or any other report required to be submitted under this Act; or (h) any other matter as may be required to be prescribed under this Act.
50. Interpretation
In this Act, unless the context otherwise requires-
“Birth” includes a live birth and a stillbirth;
“House” means any building and also any part of a building where such part is occupied separately from the rest and includes a prison, lock-up hospital, lunatic, asylum and public or charitable institution;
“Live birth” means the birth of a child born alive;
“Minister” means the Minister charged with responsibility for internal affairs;
“Occupier” in relation to a public institution includes the Governor, keeper, master, matron, superintendent or other chief resident officer and in relation to a house let in separate apartments or lodgings and includes any person residing in the house who is the person under whom the lodgings or separate apartments are immediately held or his agent;
“Prescribed” means prescribed by regulations made under this Act;
“Public institution” includes a prison, lock-up, hospital and such other public or charitable institutions as may be prescribed;
“Registrar” in relation to any birth or death means the registrar of births and deaths for a district in which the birth or death takes place or where any living newborn child is found exposed or any dead body is found and no information as to the place of birth or death is available for the district in which the child or dead body is found and includes every registrar appointed by or pursuant to this Act;
“Relative” includes a relative by marriage and in relation to a person in respect of whom an adoption order has been made under an adoption law in force in Nigeria the person who would be a relative of the adopted person where the child of the adopter was born in lawful wedlock;
“Stillborn child” means a child who had issued forth from its mother after 28 weeks of pregnancy and which did not at any time after being completely expelled from its mother breathe or show any other sign of life and the expression “stillbirth” shall be construed accordingly.
51. Repeals and amendment of certain enactments
(1) The Births and Deaths (Compulsory Registration) Act is hereby repealed.
[Cap. 36. L.F.N. 1990.]
(2) The enactments specified in column one of the Schedule hereto, being enactments applicable in the States specified in column two thereto, shall be amended to the extent respectively specified in column three to the Schedule.
(3) Notwithstanding the provisions of subsection (1) of this section any register kept, registration effected, certificate issued, notice or information given, return made or other thing done under the repealed enactments which immediately before the date of the commencement of this Act, was of force or effect shall continue in force and have effect as if kept, effected, issued, given, made or done under the corresponding provisions of this Act.
(4) Any form used and any requirement as to the particulars to be entered in any form used for the purposes of the repealed enactments which was in force or effect immediately before the date of commencement of this Act shall continue in force and have effect as though prescribed under this Act until forms or particulars are so prescribed.
52. Short title
This Act may be cited as the Births, Deaths, etc. (Compulsory Registration) Act.
Birth, and Death, Ogun, Ondo and Oyo
Law Cap. 12
Births, Deaths and
Burials Akwa Ibom, Anambra,
Cross River, Imo and
Law Cap. 14 Rivers
Delete the entire enactment
in the long title the words ―provide for Registration of Birth and Death and to‖
In the Interpretation, delete the definition of ―Principal Registrar’’
―to register‖
Repeal sections 3 to 29
Delete from the headings
occurring immediately after
section 29 the following- ―whose
death are registrable and of still-
born children whose births if they
had been born alive would have
been registrable;’’
Delete section 30;
In section 31 delete the words-
―Notwithstanding the fact that the
death of the deceased person has
not been registered;’’
In section 32 delete the words-
―Certificate of the registrar under
section 30 and every;’’
In section 33-
In subsection (1) delete the words
―whose death is registrable or a
still born child whose birth if he
had been alive would have been
Delete the existing subsection (2)
and substitute therefor the
―(2) A magistrate or medical
officer may make such order in
any case in which he may
consider it to be necessary in the interest of the public health’’; Delete sections 35, 44, 45, 46,
and 47; in section 48 delete
paragraphs (b) and (c) thereof.
(i) delete Forms A, B, D to K of
the First Schedule;
Delete from the heading in capital
letters the words ―BIRTHS, DEATH
in ―Form L’’ delete from the
heading in capital letters the
delete ―Forms ―M’’ to ―O’’;
delete the second schedule;
renumber the existing sections
31, 32, 33
34 ,36 ,37, 38, 39, 40, 41, 42, 43
and 48 as new sections 3, 4, 5,
6, 7, 8, 9, 10,11, 12, 13, 14 and
15 respectively;
renumber the existing Forms C
and L as ―Form A’’ and ―Form B’’
in the heading to the Law and in
capital letters-
delete the words’’ BIRTHS,
In the long title to the Law delete the ―REGISTRATION OF BIRTHS
In the short title to the Law delete
the following words-―Births,
Deaths and’’;
In the Interpretation delete the
definition of- ―the particulars
required to be furnished’’ and ―to
delete sections 3 to 31 and;
in section 32 delete thereof the
―notwithstanding the fact that the
death of the deceased person has
not been registered;’’
Births, Deaths and Bauchi, Benue, Borno,
Burials Law Cap. 14 Gongola, Kaduna, Kano
Kastina, Kwara, Niger,
Plateau , and sokoto
In section 33 delete the words’’ under section 31’’ there from;
In section 34-
delete from subsection (1) thereof the words-
―whose death is registrable or a stillborn child whose birth if he had been born alive would have been registrable;’’
in subsection (2) thereof delete the words-
―subject to the like restrictions as are imposed on the registrar by the proviso to section 31’’;
in section 36 delete subsection (2)
thereof; delete section 45;
in section 46 delete paragraphs
(a) and (b) thereof;
delete section 47;
in section 48 delete paragraphs
(b) and (c);
renumber the existing sections
32, 33, 34, 35, 36, 37, 38, 39,
40, 41, 42, 43, 44, 46 and 48 as
new sections
and 17 respectively;
(b) (b)Births, Lagos State
Deaths and
In the First Schedule-
Registration Law Delete Forms ―A’’ to ―O’’
Delete the Second schedule;
Delete in the enactment wherever they occur the words-―Births, Death and’’;
In section 2 delete from the definition of ―Principal Registrar’’ the words-
―and in relation to births and death means the Principal Registrar appointed under the
Births, Deaths and Burials Law’’;
in section 7 delete the words- ―births, death or’’.
1. Births, Death, Marriages, etc., Regulations.
[S.I. 6 of 1996.]
PART I: Appointment of Registrar‐General, etc.
1. Chairman of the Commission to act as the Registrar-General, etc.
PART II: Duties of the Registrar‐General
2. Duties of the Registrar-General.
3. Duties of the Deputy Registrar-General.
4. Duties of the Chief Registrar.
5. Duties of the Deputy Chief Registrar.
6. Duties of the registrar.
PART III: The registers
7. Registers.
PART IV: Births
8. Registration of births.
9. Information concerning live births and stillbirths.
10. Persons responsible for registering a child.
11. Information required for registration of birth.
12. Particulars to be registered for live births.
13. Particulars to be registered for stillbirths.
14. Registration of birth of child out of wedlock.
15. Late registration of birth.
16. Certificate of birth.
17. Power of registrar to summon person to register birth.
18. Person baptizing.
19. Registration of name subsequent to registration of birth.
20. Registration of birth on board Nigerian ships or aircraft.
21. Registration of adoption order.
22. Non-disclosure of birth order.
PART V: Deaths
23. Deaths to be registered.
24. Medical certificate of cause of death.
25. Information required for registration of death.
26. Particulars to be registered.
27. Mass death.
28. Late registration.
29. Certificate of registration of death.
30. Registrar may summon persons to register death.
31. Certificate of death.
32. Certificate of burial of stillborn child.
33. Burial in the interest of public health.
PART VI: Statutory marriages
34. Marriages to be registered.
35. Notice of marriage.
36. Attestation by an illiterate.
37. Supply of Forms.
38. Issuance of registrar’s certificate.
39. Marriage certificate.
40. Registration of marriage certificate.
41. Registration of dissolution of marriage.
PART VII: Customary marriages
42. Registration of customary marriages.
43. Registration of dissolution of customary marriages.
44. Reporting of births, etc., occurring outside Nigeria.
45. Correction of error in registers.
46. Registration in wrong office.
47. Certified copies.
48. Returns by registrar, etc.
49. Fees.
50. Revocation of L.N. 72 of 1971.
51. Interpretation.
52. Short title.
BIRTHS, DEATH, MARRIAGES, ETC., REGULATIONS [S.I. 9 of 1996.] Under section 49
COMMENCEMENT [26th March, 1996]
PART I: Appointment of Registrar‐General, etc.
1. Chairman of the Commission to act as the Registrar-General, etc.
(1) Without prejudice to the provisions of the Births, Deaths, Etc. (Compulsory Registration) Act (in these
Regulations referred to as “the Act”) the Chairman of the Commission shall also be known and referred to as the Registrar-General.
(2) The Director, Vital Registration Department of the Commission shall, for the purposes of these Regulations, also be known and referred to as the Deputy Registrar-General.
(3) The Director of the Commission in each State of the Federation and of the Federal Capital Territory, Abuja shall be known as the Chief Registrar.
(4) The Comptroller of the Local Government office of the Commission in the Local Government Areas of each State of the Federation and of the Area Councils of the Federal Capital Territory, Abuja shall be known as the Deputy Chief Registrar.
(5) The Commission may appoint such other officers for the Regulation Centres from the Local Government office or the Area Council office of the Commission to be known as registrars.
PART II: Duties of the Registrar‐General, etc.
2. Duties of the Registrar-General
The Registrar-General shall-
(a) enforce the provisions of the Act;
(b) issue general directions regarding registration of birth and deaths as may be necessary for the efficient implementation of the Act;
(c) co-ordinate and unify the activities of registration of state officials involved in the implementation of the provisions of the Act and these Regulations;
(d) in furtherance of paragraph (c) of this regulation, issue directives to the Chief Registrar of each State of the Federation and the Federal Capital Territory, Abuja with reference to the performance of their duties under the Act and these Regulations;
(e) report any violation of the provisions of the Act or any law on any event covered by these Regulations;
(f) carry out such other duties as the Commission may, from time to time, direct.
3. Duties of the Deputy Registrar-General
The Deputy Registrar-General shall perform such functions as may be directed by the Registrar-General.
4. Duties of the Chief Registrar
The Chief Registrar of each State of the Federation and of the Federal Capital Territory, Abuja shall-
(a) oversee the activities relating to the registration of births and deaths within the State or the Federal Capital Territory, Abuja, to which he is appointed;
(b) take charge of the registration office of the Commission within the State or the Federal Capital Territory, Abuja;
(c) file all registrable certificates and documents in the appropriate register;
(d) compile and make monthly returns on all registrable certificates and documents to the RegistrarGeneral;
(e) issue certified copies of any certificate or document registered upon payment of the appropriate fees;
(f) order the binding, properly classified, of all certificate documents registered within a particular year;
(g) send to the Registrar-General monthly, for filing, a copy of all entries made during the preceding month;
(h) index the information to facilitate search and identification;
(i) administer oaths for purposes of registration;
(j) accept all registrable documents and judicial decrees and orders affecting the civil status of persons;
(k) transcribe and enter, file keep and preserve in a secure place all books required by law to be preserved;
(l) transcribe and enter immediately upon receipt all registrable documents and judicial decrees affecting the status of persons in the appropriate registers;
(m) receive applications for the issuance of a marriage licence and after determining that the requirements and supporting certificates and publication thereof for the prescribed period have been complied with, issue the licence upon payment of the fee specified in the Second Schedule to these Regulations;
(n) liase with the Registrar-General in conducting public enlightenment for vital registration and assist in the preparation of demographic and other statistics for the Local Governments;
(o) file, keep and preserve records as required by the National Archives Act;
(p) submit status reports on the condition of the registered documents filed in the registry whenever there are changes of the previous status of files;
(q) re-construct destroyed or damaged registry records in compliance with procedures as may be specified by the Registrar-General, from time to time;
(r)make available at all times the required registration forms; and
(s) carry out such duties as are required, from time to time, by the Registrar-General or the Commission.
5. Duties of the Deputy Chief Registrar
The Deputy Chief Registrar shall-
(a) be responsible for the implementation of the Act and these Regulations within the Local Government Area or Area Council to which he is appointed;
(b) be subject to the general direction of the Registrar-General and the Chief Registrar;
(c) carry out such other duties as the Chief Registrar may, from time to time, assign to him.
6. Duties of the registrar
A registrar shall-
(a) register in the proper register the event that should be registered under these Regulations;
(b) keep himself informed of all births, deaths, marriages and divorces, as the case may be, occurring in his area of jurisdiction;
(c) perform such other duties as may be assigned to him from time to time, by the deputy Chief Registrar; and
(d) perform the other duties assigned to him under these Regulations.
PART III: The registers
7. Registers
Every Deputy Chief Registrar shall maintain, keep and preserve in a secure place in his office the following registers into which shall be properly entered the events specified in these regulations, that is- (a) the Register of Births;
(b) the Register of Foundlings;
(c) the Register of Stillbirths;
(d) the Adopted Children’s Register;
(e) the Register of Deaths;
(f) Register of Statutory Marriages;
(g) Register of Customary Marriages;
(h) the Register of Divorces (Statutory);
(i) the Register of Divorces (Customary);
(j) such other Registers as may be specified, from time to time by the Registrar-General or the Commission.
PART IV: Births
8. Registration of births
Subject to the provisions of the Act, the birth of every child born in Nigeria shall be registered by the Registrar of Births and Deaths for the area in which the child was born or in which the child is found in the case of a founding.
9. Information concerning live births and stillbirths
(1) A person required by law to inform the registrar concerning the birth of a child shall, where the birth is a live birth provide the following information, that is-
(a) the date of birth of the child;
(b) the sex of the child;
(c) the name of the child;
(d) the full address of the place of birth;
(e) the name and address of the mother of the child.
(2) A person required by law to inform the Registrar concerning the birth of a child shall, where the birth is a
stillbirth, provide the following information, that is-
(a) the date of the stillbirth;
(b) the sex of the child;
(c) the full address of the place of birth; and
(d) the full name and address of the mother of the child.
(3) The form B.4 and Form SB.3 set out in the First Schedule to these Regulations or any similar form shall be used for the purpose of providing the information required under paragraphs (1) and (2) of this regulation, as the case may be.
10. Persons responsible for registering a child
It shall be the duty of the father or mother of a child to register the birth of the child but in default, any of the following shall register the birth, that is-
(a) the person having charge of the child;
(b) the occupier of a house, if the birth took place in the house to the knowledge of the occupier;
(c) the master of a ship, if the birth took place in the ship;
(d) the pilot of an aircraft, if the birth took place in an aircraft.
11. Information required for registration of birth
(1) A person required by law to register a birth shall provide the following information concerning the birth of the child, that is- (a) in respect of the child-
(i) its name, if any;
(ii) its date of birth;
(iii) the place where the birth occurred; and
(iv) the type of birth;
(b) in respect of the mother of the child-
(i) her full name;
(ii) the address of her usual place of residence;
(iii) her age;
(iv) her marital status;
(v) her nationality; and
(vi) her occupation;
(c) in respect of the father of the child-
(i) his full name;
(ii) the address of his usual place of residence;
(iii) his age;
(iv) his marital status; and
(v) his nationality;
(d) in respect of the person giving the information-
(i) his full name;
(ii) the address of his usual place of residence; and
(iii) his relationship with the child;
(e) such other information as the registrar may deem necessary for the purposes of the registration.
(2) The Form B.1 set out in the First Schedule to these Regulations or any similar form may be used for providing the information required under paragraph (1) of this regulation.
[First Schedule. Form B.1.]
12. Particulars to be registered for live births
(1) The registrar for the area in which a child is born or for the area in which a child is found, in the case of a founding shall, on receiving the information required for the registration of the birth, enter in the Register of Births or Register of Foundings, as the case may be, the following information- (a) in respect of the child-
(i) its date of birth;
(ii) its place of birth;
(iii) its sex; and
(iv) its full name, if any;
(b) in respect of the mother of the child- (i) her married name and maiden surname;
(ii) the address of her usual place of residence;
(iii) her age;
(iv) her occupation;
(v) her level of education;
(c) in respect of the father of the child-
(i) his full name;
(ii) the address of his usual place of residence;
(iii) his nationality; and
(iv) his level of education;
(d) in respect of the informant-
(i) his full name and signature;
(ii) his relationship with the child;
(iii) the address of his usual place of residence;
(e) the date of registration; and
(f) such other information as the registrar may deem necessary.
(2) Every birth entered in the register shall be numbered consecutively and provision shall be made-
(a) for the signature of the registrar; and
(b) for the addition of the name of the child after the registration of the birth.
(3) The Form B.3 or Form BF.2, as the case may be, set out in the First Schedule to these Regulations or any similar form may be used for entering the information; required under paragraph (1) of the regulation.
13. Particulars to be registered for stillbirths
(1) The Registrar for the area in which a stillbirth occurs shall, on receiving the information required for the registration of the stillbirth, enter in the Registrar of Stillbirths, the following information, that is- (a) in respect of the child- (i) the date of the stillbirth;
(ii) the place of the stillbirth;
(iii) the sex of the child; and
(iv) the cause of stillbirth, if known;
(b) in respect of the mother of the child-
(i) her full married name and maiden surname;
(ii) the address of her usual place of residence;
(iii) her age; and
(iv) her occupation;
(c) in the case of the father-
(i) his full name;
(ii) the address of his usual place of residence;
(iii) his nationality; and
(iv) his occupation;
(d) in respect of the informant-
(i) his full name and signature;
(ii) his relationship with the stillborn child;
(iii) the address of his usual place of residence;
(e) the date of registration; and
(f) such other information as the registrar may deem necessary.
(2) Every stillbirth entered in the register shall be numbered consecutively and provision shall be made for the signature of the registrar.
(3) The Form SB.2 set out in the First Schedule to these Regulations or a similar form may be used for entering the information required under paragraph (1) of this regulation.
[First Schedule. Form SB.2.]
14. Registration of birth of child out of wedlock
Nothing in these Regulations shall be construed as requiring-
(a) the father of a child born out of wedlock to give information concerning the birth of the child; or
(b) the registrar to enter the name of any person as the father of the child except in the circumstances specified in section 12 (a) and (b) of the Act.
15. Late registration of birth
(1) A person applying for the late registration of the birth of a child under section 10 (2) of the Act shall accompany the application with a sworn affidavit stating-
(a) the name of the child;
(b) the date and place of birth of the child;
(c) the name of the mother of the child;
(d) the name of the father of the child;
(e) the reason for not registering the birth within the time specified for registration;
(f) such other information as may be required by the Commission.
(2) When the late registration of a birth is authorized under the Act, the procedure to be followed for the registration shall, subject to paragraph (1) of this regulation, be as set out in this Part of these regulations.
16. Certificate of birth
The registrar shall on registering a live birth, deliver to the informant free of charge, a certificate of birth in the Form B.2 and a certificate of registration of birth in Form B.5 set out in the First Schedule to the Regulations or similar forms certifying that the birth of the child has been duly registered.
17. Power of registrar to summon person to register birth
When a birth has not been registered within the time specified for such registration, the Registrar may by notice in writing in the Form B.6 set out in the First Schedule to these Regulations or any similar form, summon any of the persons required by law to register the birth to attend personally at the registry within such time as may be specified in the summons, being not less than 2 days after the receipt of the summons, and register the birth accordingly.
18. Person baptizing
(1) A religious minister or other person baptizing an infant, shall before performing the rite of baptism on the infant, require the production to him of a certificate of registration of the birth of the infant signed by the Registrar of the area within which the infant was born or within which the infant was found in the case of a foundling.
(2) Where no certificate is produced under paragraph (1) of this regulation, the religious minister or other person baptizing the infant shall, within 48 hours from the baptism, notify the registrar in the Form B.7 set out in the First Schedule to these Regulations or any similar form.
19. Registration of name subsequent to registration of birth
(1) Where a birth has been-
(a) registered, and it is desired to change the name of the child; or
(b) registered, without a name and a name is subsequently given to the child, the parent or guardian of the child may, within 12 months after the registration of the birth, deliver to the registrar an application in the Forms B.8 or B.9, as the case may be, set out in the First Schedule to these Regulations or any similar form.
(2) The registrar, on receipt of an application and payment of the prescribed fees, shall, without erasure of the original entry, forthwith enter in the register the name mentioned in the application as having been given to the child.
(3) The registrar shall in respect of a registration under paragraph (2) of this regulation, furnish to the Deputy Chief Registrar supplementary returns in the Form B.10 set out in the First Schedule to these Regulations, or any similar form.
20. Registration of birth on board Nigerian ships or aircraft
(1) The Registrar-General shall, on receiving a return from the master of a ship or pilot of an aircraft concerning the birth of a child on board his ship/aircraft, direct the registration of the child in accordance with the provisions of these Regulations.
(2) A parent of a child born on board a ship or aircraft may be required to verify the particulars to be entered in the register in respect of the birth.
21. Registration of adoption order
(1) The Registrar-General shall, in receiving a direction from a court of competent jurisdiction on the adoption of a child, cause the following particulars relating to the adoption to be entered in the Adopted Children’s Register, that is-
(a) the date of birth of the adopted child, as directed by the adoption order;
(b) the name of the adopted child as stated in the adoption order;
(c) the sex of the adopted child as stated in the adoption order;
(d) the full names and address of the adopters;
(e) the occupation of each of the adopters;
(f) the date of the order of the court that made the adoption order.
(2) Every particular entered on the register under paragraph (1) of this regulation shall be as stated in the adoption order.
(3) Every adoption entered in the register shall be numbered consecutively and provision shall be made for the signature of the officer authorized to enter the particulars in the register.
(4) The Form AC.1 set out in the First Schedule to these Regulations or any similar form may be used for entering the particulars required under paragraph (1) of this regulation.
22. Non-disclosure of birth order
The records of a person’s birth shall be kept secret and no information relating to those records shall be issued from the registry except on the request of-
(a) the person himself or any person authorized by him; or
(b) the spouse, parent, child or guardian or institution legally in charge of the person, if he is a minor;
(c) a court or public officer, when necessary in the judicial, administrative or other official proceedings, to determine the child’s parents or other circumstances surrounding his birth;
(d) in case of the person’s death, the next-of-kin or personal representative.
PART V: Deaths
23. Deaths to be registered
(1) The death and the cause of death of every person dying in Nigeria shall be registered by the registrar of births and deaths for the area in which the body is found where there is no information as to the place of death.
(2) A person required by law to inform the registrar concerning the death of a person, shall provide the following information, that is-
(a) the date of death;
(b) the name of the dead person;
(c) the sex of the dead person;
(d) the full address of the place of death;
(e) the address of the usual place of residence of the dead person.
(3) The Form D.4 set out in the First Schedule to these Regulations or any similar form may be used for providing the information required under paragraph 3 of this regulation.
[First Schedule. Form D.4]
24. Medical certificate of cause of death
(1) A qualified medical doctor who has attended a person during his last illness or examined a body brought in dead, shall without charge deliver to the person required by law to register the death, a medical certificate of cause of death in Form D.1A set out in the First Schedule to these Regulations.
(2) A medical certificate of the cause of death delivered to a person under paragraph 1 of this regulation shall be forwarded to the registrar.
25. Information required for registration of death
(1) A person required by law to give information concerning the death of a person shall, within 48 hours of the death, give to the registrar the following information, that is-
(a) in respect of the deceased-
(i) the name;
(ii) the sex;
(iii) the occupation;
(iv) the date of death;
(v) the town or village of occurrence;
(vi) the age;
(vii) the address of his usual place of residence;
(viii) the nationality;
(ix) the marital status;
(x) whether the death is certified by a medical doctor; and
(xi) the cause of death;
(b) in respect of the informant- (i) the relationship with the deceased;
(ii) the full name; and
(iii) the address of the usual place of residence; and
(c) such other information as the registrar may deem necessary for the registration.
(2) The Form D.1 set out in the First Schedule to these Regulations or a similar form may be used for giving the information required under paragraph (1) of this regulation.
26. Particulars to be registered
(1) The registrar for the area in which the death occurred or in which the body is found, where there is no information as to place of death shall, on receiving the information required for the registration in the Register of Deaths, (without the payment of a fee or reward), enter on the register the following information, that is-
(a) in respect of the deceased-
(i) the date of death;
(ii) the place of death;
(iii) the name of the deceased person;
(iv) the sex;
(v) the age;
(vi) the nationality;
(vii) the occupation;
(viii) the address of the usual place of residence;
(ix) duration of illness; and
(x) the cause of death;
(b) in respect of the informant-
(i) the full name;
(ii) the relationship with the deceased person; (iii) the address of the usual place of residence;
(c) the date of registration.
(2) Every entry of a death in the register shall be numbered consecutively and provision shall be made in the register for the signature of the registrar.
(3) The Form D.3 set out in the First Schedule to these Regulations or any similar form may be used for recording the information required under paragraph (1) of this regulation.
27. Mass death
(1) Where several persons die due to natural calamities, accidents, epidemics or war and the deceased cannot be identified, a medical practitioner may, on the affidavit by two persons, issue a certificate of death and cause the death to be registered.
(2) The affidavit referred to in paragraph (1) of this regulation shall state-
(a) the sex of the deceased;
(b) estimated age;
(c) disguised features;
(d) condition of the body when found;
(e) the date the body was found;
(f) the place the body was found; and
(g) the circumstances surrounding the death.
28. Late registration
A person applying for the late registration of a death under section 21 of the Act shall accompany the application with a sworn affidavit stating-
(a) the name of the deceased;
(b) the date and place of death;
(c) the cause of death;
(d) the reason for not registering the death within the time limit;
(e) such other information as may be required by the Commission.
29. Certificate of registration of death
The registrar shall on registering a death, deliver to the informant, free of charge, a certificate in the Form D.2 and a certificate of registration of death in Form D.2A set out in the First Schedule to these Regulations or similar forms.
30. Registrar may summon persons to register death
Where a death has not been duly registered, the registrar may by notice in writing in the Form D.5 in the First Schedule to these Regulations, summon any person required by law to register the death to attend personally at the registry within such time as may be specified in the summons, being not less than two days after receipt of the summons, and register the death accordingly.
31. Certificate of death
Subject to the restriction contained in the proviso to section 22 of the Act, the registrar shall, on registering a death, issue a certificate in the Form D.6 set out in the First Schedule to these Regulations or any similar form-
(a) certifying the death of the person; and
(b) giving permission for the body to be interred.
32. Certificate of burial of stillborn child
The registrar shall, on receiving information of the birth of a child as stillborn, issue the certificate in Form D.7 set out in the First Schedule to these Regulations if he has received-
(a) a written certificate, in the Form D.8 set out in the First Schedule to these Regulations or any similar form from a medical doctor who was in attendance at the birth or who has examined the body of the child, that the child was not born alive; or
(b) a declaration in the Form D.9 set out in the First Schedule to these Regulations or any similar form from a person required by law to register the birth.
33. Burial in the interest of public health
(1) A medical practitioner may, subject to the restriction contained in the proviso to section 22 of the Act, make an order for the burial of a body if he considers the burial necessary in the interest of public health.
(2) A medical practitioner making an order under paragraph (1) of this regulation shall notify the registrar in the Form D10 set out in the First Schedule to these regulations or any similar form.
PART VI: Statutory marriages
34. Marriages to be registered
The solemnization of a statutory marriage in Nigeria shall be registered by the registrar of marriages for the area in which the marriage occurred.
35. Notice of marriage
(1) Whenever any person desires to marry, one of the parties to the intended marriage shall sign and give to the registrar of the area in which the marriage is intended to take place, a notice specifying the following information, that is-
(a) in respect of the bridegroom-
(i) his name;
(ii) his marital status;
(iii) his occupation;
(iv) his age;
(v) his State of origin;
(vi) the address of his usual place of residence;
(vii) his nationality;
(viii) the names of the person who has consented to the marriage; and
(ix) his relationship with the bridegroom.
(b) in respect of the bride-
(i) her name;
(ii) her marital status;
(iii) her occupation;
(iv) her age;
(v) her State of origin;
(vi) the address of her usual place of residence;
(vii) her nationality;
(viii) the name of the person who has consented to the marriage; and
(ix) the relationship with the bride;
(c) such other information as the registrar may deem necessary for the filing of a notice.
(2) The Form M.1 set out in the First Schedule to these Regulations or any similar form may be used for giving the information required under paragraph (1) of this regulation.
36. Attestation by an illiterate
Where a person giving the notice required by law to be filed at a registry is unable to write or is insufficiently acquainted with the English language, or both, then he shall place his mark or cross thereto in the presence of some literate person who shall attest to it in Form M.2 set out in the First Schedule to these Regulations, or any similar form.
37. Supply of Forms
The Registrar shall supply, free of charge, the Forms M.1 and M.2 set out in the First Schedule to these Regulations or a similar form as may be required under this regulation.
38. Issuance of registrar’s certificate
(1) The registrar shall, at any time after the expiration of 21 days of the notice, and upon payment of the prescribed fee, issue his certificate in Form M.3 set out in the First Schedule to these Regulations.
(2) The registrar shall not issue his certificate as required under paragraph (1) of this regulation until he has been satisfied by affidavit-
(a) that one of the parties has been resident within the district for at least fifteen years preceding the grant of the certificate;
(b) that each of the parties to the intended marriage is 21 years old or that if he or she is under that age, the required consent has been obtained and attached to the affidavit;
(c) that there is no impediment to the marriage;
(d) that neither of the parties to the intended marriage is married by customary law to any other person apart from the person with whom the marriage is proposed to be contracted.
39. Marriage certificate
(1) The registrar for the area in which the marriage has taken place shall issue a certificate in duplicate and with counterfoils setting out the following information, that is-
(a) the full name(s) of the husband:
(b) the full name(s) of the wife;
(c) the names of witnesses to the marriage;
(d) the date of the marriage;
(e) the full age of the husband;
(f) the full age of the wife;
(g) the profession of each party;
(h) the place of residence of each party at the time of the marriage;
(i) the full names of the father or guardian of each party to the marriage;
(j) the occupation of the father or guardian of each party to the marriage;
(k) such other information as the registrar may deem necessary for the registration.
(2) The Form M.4 set out in the First Schedule to these Regulations or any similar form may be used for giving the information required under paragraph (1) of this regulation.
40. Registration of marriage certificate
(1) The registrar for the area in which the marriage has taken place shall cause to be registered in the marriage register book every certificate of marriage which shall be filed in his office in Form M.5 set out in the First Schedule to these Regulations or any similar form as may be used for giving the information required by this paragraph of this regulation.
(2) Every entry made in the marriage register book shall be-
(a) made in the order of date from the beginning to the end of the book;
(b) dated on the day on which it is so entered;
(c) signed by the registrar;
(d) indexed in such manner as is best suited for every reference.
(3) The registrar shall on the payment of the prescribed fee- (a) allow searches to be made in the marriage register book; (b) give certified copies therefrom.
(4) The registrar shall, within ten days after the last day of each month, furnish to the Chief Registrar a certified copy of all entries made during the preceding month in the marriage register book in his area for the information of the Chief Registrar.
41. Registration of dissolution of marriage
(1) The registrar for the area in which a statutory marriage has been dissolved by a court of competent jurisdiction shall, upon receipt of the notice of the dissolution by the Registrar of the High Court make in the Register of Divorces (Statutory) an entry stating the following-
(a) the full names of the husband;
(b) the full names of the wife;
(c) the date of marriage;
(d) the date of filing the action for dissolution of the marriage;
(e) the name of the party who filed the action;
(f) the court in which the action was filed;
(g) date of receipt of notice of dissolution;
(h) the decision of the court;
(i) the effective date of dissolution.
(2) The Form MD.1 set out in the First Schedule in these Regulations or a similar form may be used for giving the information required under paragraph (1) of this regulation.
(3) The registrar for the area in which a statutory marriage has been dissolved shall furnish to the Chief Registrar a certified copy of all entries made during the preceding month.
PART VII: Customary marriages
42. Registration of customary marriages
(1) The solemnization of a customary marriage in any part of Nigeria shall be registered within sixty days in the area court or customary court where the marriage was contracted.
(2) Whenever a customary marriage is to be registered, the Chief Registrar shall require the following information, that is-
(a) in respect of the bridegroom-
(i) his full names;
(ii) his marital status;
(iii) his occupation;
(iv) his age;
(v) his State of origin;
(vi) the address of his usual place of residence;
(vii) his nationality;
(viii) the name of the person who has consented to the marriage; and
(ix) his relationship with the bridegroom;
(b) in respect of the bride-
(i) her name;
(ii) her marital status;
(iii) her occupation;
(iv) her age;
(v) her State of origin;
(vi) the address of her usual place of residence;
(vii) her nationality;
(viii) the name of the person who has consented to the marriage; and
(ix) the relationship with the bride;
(c) such other information as the registrar may deem necessary for the registration of the marriage.
(3) The Form CM.1 set out in the First Schedule to these Regulations or any similar form as may be used for giving the information required under paragraph (2) of this regulation.
(4) The Registrar of each area in which customary marriages are contracted shall at the end of each month or as soon as practicable deliver to the Chief Registrar such returns in such form as the Registrar- General may require.
43. Registration of dissolution of customary marriages
(1) The registrar for the area in which a customary marriage has been dissolved by a court of competent jurisdiction shall, on receipt of the notice of the dissolution, make in the Register of Divorces (Customary) an entry stating the following- (a) the full names of the husband;
(b) the full names of the wife;
(c) the date of marriage;
(d) the date of filing the action for dissolution of the marriage;
(e) the name of the party who filed the action;
(f) the court in which the action was filed;
(g) the decision of the court;
(h) the date of receipt of notice of dissolution;
(i) the effective date.
(2) The Form CMD.1 set out in the First Schedule to these Regulations or any similar form may be used for giving the information required under paragraph (1) of this regulation.
(3) The registrar of the area in which a customary marriage has been dissolved shall furnish to the Chief Registrar a certified copy of all entries made during the preceding month in the register of the Chief Registrar in his area for purposes of information.
PART VIII: Miscellaneous
44. Reporting of births, etc., occurring outside Nigeria
(1) Every Nigerian diplomatic or consular office shall report to the Registrar-General any birth, death or marriage of any Nigerian which to its knowledge occurs in its country of accreditation.
(2) The Registrar-General shall, for statistical purposes, keep a record of all births, deaths and marriages reported to him under paragraph (1) of this regulation.
45. Correction of error in registers
(1) A person authorized by the Registrar-General shall correct an error, authorized by the Act or any other law, in any register where-
(a) there is a clerical error relating to a word or figure, by drawing a line through the word or figure, so however that the word or figure remains legible, and writing-
(i) the correct word or figure above it;
(ii) in the margin of the entry a note in the following form; that is-
“Clerical error in column …………….… corrected by me……… “;
(b) the particulars required to be entered in any two columns have been inadvertently transposed, without any other correction, by writing in the margin of the entry a note of the following form, that is- “The particulars in columns …………………….. and ………………………………… inadvertently transposed”.
(2) Every correction made in any register shall be initialled by the person making the correction.
46. Registration in wrong office
(1) Where it is found that a birth or death has been registered at the wrong registry, the registrar of the registry where the wrong entry was made shall correct the error by an entry in the margin stating the circumstances in which the correction is made with the date of correction.
(2) The entry shall be signed by the person, if any, on whose information the correction was made and by the registrar.
(3) The registrar shall thereafter–
(a) draw a line through the wrong entry, so however that the entry remains legible;
(b) notify the registrar of the registry in which the birth or death should properly have been registered of-
(i) the nature of the wrong entry;
(ii) the correction made; and
(iii) the circumstances under which the correction was made, who shall forthwith make a special entry in the appropriate register with a note in the margin of the entry explaining the facts relating to the entry as notified to him, by the registrar of the other area.
(4) The Chief Registrar shall be informed of every correction or addition made under this regulation by the registrar who made the correction.
47. Certified copies
A certified copy of an entry in any register shall be an exact copy of the entry in the register with a certificate at the foot of the copy in the Form CC.1 set out in the First Schedule to these Regulations or any similar form, certifying the corrections of the copy and shall be signed by the registrar.
48. Returns by registrar, etc.
(1) The returns required by law to be made of entries in the registers kept under these Regulations shall be in the Forms CFR.1, CFR.2 and CFR.3 set out in the First Schedule to these Regulations or similar forms.
(2) Where there is no registration in a register for the period in question, a certificate in the Form CFR.4 set out in the First Schedule to these Regulations or any similar form shall be issued to that effect.
49. Fees
The fees specified in the Second Schedule to these Regulations shall be paid to the registrar for the matters relating thereto.
50. Revocation of L. N. 72 of 1971
The Marriage (Appointment of Principal Registrar, Registrars, etc.) Notice 1971 is hereby revoked.
51. Interpretation
(1) In these Regulations, unless the context otherwise requires- “Act” means the Births, Deaths, Etc. (Compulsory Registration) Act;
“Chief Registrar” means the Chief Registrar appointed under section 3 of the Act;
“Commission” means the National Population Commission established under section 1 of the National Population Commission Act;
“Deputy Chief Registrar” means the Deputy Chief Registrar appointed under section 4 of the Act;
“Event” means a birth, death, marriage or divorce;
“Foundling” means-
(a) a deserted or abandoned child whose parents, guardian or relatives are not known; or
(b) a child committed to an orphanage or charitable or similar institution with unknown facts of birth or parentage;
“Informant” means a person under duty to give information concerning the happening of an event under these regulations;
“Register” means any of the registers kept and maintained under regulation 5 of these Regulations;
“Registrar” means a registrar appointed under section 5 of the Act;
“Registrar-General” means the Registrar-General appointed under section 2 of the Act.
(2) A word or an expression not defined in these Regulations shall have the meaning assigned to it in the Act.
52. Short title
These Regulations shall be cited as the Births, Deaths, etc. (Registration) Regulations.
FORM B.1 (Regulation 11 (2)).]
Information required for registration of birth
Registration Centre..………….………….Birth Register Volume ………………….
Town/Village.……………………………… Entry Number ………………………………
LGA ……………………………………………… Date of Registration……………………….
Name of child (surname first)………………………………………………….
Date of birth……………………………………………………………………
(3) Sex: male/female…………………………………………………………..
(a) Place of occurrence hospital/maternity home/at home/traditional doctor’s place…………………………………………………………………………….
(b) Village/town (in registration area) ………………………………………..
Type of birth: single/multiple ……………………..(6) Birth order…………………………
Name in full (surname first)……………………………………………………………………….
Address of usual place of residence …………………………………………………………..
Age at birth of child ……………………………………………………………….
Marital status: single/married/separated/ divorce/widowed…………… ………………………………………………………
Nationality Nigerian/non-Nigerian ………………………………………………………………………………
If Nigerian, (a) State of origin…………………………(b) Ethnic origin………………………
(a) Literate/illiterate……………………………………..(b) If literate, level of education…………….
Name in full (surname first)…………………………………………………………………………
Address of usual place of residence………………………………………………………………
Age ………………………years
Nationality Nigerian/non-Nigerian………………………….
If Nigerian, (a) State of origin……………….. (b) Ethnic origin ……………………………
(a) Literate/illiterate……………………………. (b) If literate, level of education………………………….
Relationship to child…………………………………………………………………………………………
Full name (surname first)…………………………………………………………………………………
Address of usual place of residence …………………………………………………………………………
…………………………………….. ……………………………………
Signature or left thumb mark of informant Signature of registrar
FORM B.2 (Regulation 16).]
Certificate of birth
Registration centre…………………………. Certificate number: ………………………
Town/village…………………………………. Volume ……….Year………… Entry no……………
LGA ………………………………………………….. State………………………………………………….
This is to certify that the birth, details of which are recorded herein, has been registered on
……..……….……….……………………………. at this registration centre.
Month Year
1. Full name: ………………………………………………………………………………………………….
(Surname first) (In block letters)
2. Sex……………………………………………….. Date of birth: ……………………………………
3. Place of birth: ………………………….………………………………………….Town/village
4. Full name of father: ………………………………………………………………………………….
(Surname first) (in block letters)
5. Full name of mother: ………………………………………………………………………………
(Surname first) (in block letters)
Place of issue: ……………………………………………………………………………………………..
Name of registrar: …………………………………………………………
……………………….. ………………………………..
Date Signature of registrar
FORM B.3. Regulation 12 (3)).] Register of births
Registration centre……………………………………………. Year: ……………………………………………………
Town/village…………………………………………………….. Volume……………………… Page no…………….
LGA…………………………………………………………………. State…………………………………………………….
Entry No. in Birth Registration Form
Date of registration
Date of birth
Sex M/F
Place of birth
Full name of child
Full name of mother
Age of mother
State of origin of mother
Address of usual place of residence of mother
Full name of father
State of origin of father
Address of usual place of residence of father
Name and address of informant
Relationship to child
Certified that the entries have been made by me on the basis of the Birth Registration Forms.
Signature of registrar……………………………….
Name of registrar…………………………………….
FORM BA (Regulation 9 (3)).]
Notification of birth
To the registrar ………………………………………………………………….Date………………………
Date of birth Sex of child
Name of child Place of birth: full address
Name of mother
Address of mother
1. Has any of the events been registered? ……………………………………………………
2. If “yes” Form B.1 number(s) ………………………………………………………………….
3. If “No”-
(a) Date of issue of Notice Form No. B.6 or date of local enquiry ………………… (b) Date of registration …………………………………………………………………………….
(c) Form SB.1 No(s)…………………………………………………………………………………
.………………… ………………………..
Date Signature of registrar
…………………………. ………………………………..
Name of informant Signature of informant
3. If “No”-
Name and address of institution …………………………………………………………………..
FORM B.5 (Regulation 16).]
Certificate of registration of birth Regn. No……………………………………..
Mr. …………………………………………………………………Registrar of Births and Deaths at …………………………………………………………………………………..registration area of
………………………………………………………………………………………….Local Government Area of …………………………………………..state, do hereby certify that I have this day registered the birth of
………………………………………born ……………………………………………………on the child of
WITNESS MY HAND this …………………day of………………….20 ………………………
Signature of registrar
Insert the names of the parents and the maiden name of the mother
FORM B.6 (Regulation 17).]
Registrar’s summons to appear and testify
To……………………………….………………………….of ……………………………………………….
You are hereby required to appear before me, the undersigned registrar of births and deaths,
…………………………………………………………. on the ………………….day of …………………………. 20…………… at o’clock in the ……………noon then and there to testify of your knowledge concerning the……………………………of
If you fail to appear, you will be liable to a penalty of N50,00.
GIVEN UNDER MY HAND this …….……………day of ………………………………………….20 …….
Signature of registrar
Registration centre: …………………………………………………………..
Address: ………………………………..…………………………………………
FORM B.7 (Regulation 18 (27)).]
Notice to register by religious minister or other person baptizing an infant without production of certificate of registration of birth
In Registrar of Births and Deaths ………………………………………………………………….
I…………………………………….…of ……………………………… hereby give you notice that on the…………………day of…………………………………………..20…………….
I baptized an infant of the ……………………………of …………………….…… the child of
………………………………….and…………………………………………………………………….his wife, and that no Certificate of Birth of the infant was previously produced to me.
This…………………….. day of………………………………………………….. 20 …………………………… …………..……………… ……………………….……
Signature Office Rank
Date full names, office or rank and address
FORM B.8 (Regulation 19 (1)).]
Application for change of name of child
In Registrar of Births and Deaths …………………………………..….…………………………….
I…………………………………….………………………………….of……………………………………………..hereby apply for have the name of the male/female child born on the ……….day of……………………………….at………………………………………. and to………………………………………………
……………………………………….of…………………………………… and………………………………………………..his wife, whose birth was registered at ……………………………………………….…on the……………….day of …………
20 ……………changed his…………………………………………………(state full name) DATED this ……………………day of ……………………20 ………………..
………………………… …………………….
Signature Occupation
FORM B.9 (Regulation 19 (1)).]
Application to have name of child entered in register
In Registrar of Births and Deaths …………………………………..….…………………………of
……………………………………………………….…………………………………………………………. hereby apply for have the name
of the male/female child born on the …………….day of………………………………………………………………………..
and to……………………………………….of ………………………………and………………………………………………..his wife, whose birth was registered at ………………………on the……………….day of ……………… 20 ………registered in the Register of Births as……………………………………..(state full name)
This ……………………………day of ………………………………20 …………………
FORM B.10 (Regulation 19 (3)).]
Supplementary returns of names added after registration
Registration area………………………………………….State………………………………………………………
Town/village ………………………………………………… LGA ………………………………………………………………
Registration. No.
Date of birth of child
Place of birth of child
Name (if any) of the child
Sex of child
Name and surname of father
Residential address of father
Name, surname and maiden surname of mother
Residential address of mother
Name, signature and relationship of informant
Residential address of informant
Date of registration
Registrar’s signature
Name, if added after registration of birth
FORM SB.2 (Regulation 13 (3)).]
Register of births
Registration centre……………………………….Year……………………………
Town/village ……………………………………. Volume…………………. Page no…………
LGA ……………………………………… State…………………………..
Entry no. in stillbirth report
Date of stillborn
Sex M/F
Place of birth
Full name of mother
Age of mother
State of origin of mother
Full address of usual place of residence of mother
Type of delivery
Name of informant
Relationship with stillborn child
Certified that the entries have been made by me on the basis of the birth Registration Forms.
Signature of Registrar…………………………………….
Name of Registrar………………………………………..,
FORM SB.3 (Regulation 9 (3)).]
Notification of stillbirth
To the registrar ……………………………………………………………. Date ……………………………………………………………..
Date of birth
Full address of place of birth
Full name and address of mother
1. Has any of the events been registered already? Yes/No .
2. If “yes” Form SB.I number(s) .
3. If ―No‖ –
(a) Date of registration …………………………………………………………………….
(b) Form SB. 1 No(s). ……………………………………………………………………….
FORM AC.1 (Regulation 21 (4)).]
Adopted children’s register
Registration area……………………………………………
State ………………………………….………….
Town/village ………………………………………………………
LGA …………………………………………………………………….
Registration. No.
Date of Registration.
Name of adopted child (enter name as stated in adoption order)
Sex of adopted child (enter sex as stated in adoption order)
Name and surname, address and occupation of adopters (enter name, address and occupation in adoption order)
Date of birth of adopted child (enter date of birth (if any) directed by the adopted order to be entered, but no other entry)
Date of adoption order and description of court making the order (entry to be as appearing on the adoption order)
Signature of officer authorized by Chief Registrar to attest entry
FORM BF.2 (Regulation 12 (3)).]
Register of foundlings
Registration area…………………………………………….
Town/village ………………………………………………………
LGA ………………………………………… ……………………..
Registration. No.
Name of child
Age when found
Date and time when found
Place where found
Distinct body features or marks
Condition of the child when found
Full name, signature and relationship of informant
Residential address of informant
Date of registration
Date of entry
FORM D.l (Regulation 25 (2)).]
Information required for registration of death
Registration centre……………………………….. Death Register Volume ………………………………………
Town/village………………………………………… Entry number………………………….
LGA ………………………………………………………… Date of registration……………………
Date…………………………………………. ………………
Name of deceased (surname first) ………………………………………………………………………….
Sex male/female …………………………………………………………………………………………………….
Occupation ………………………………………………………………………………………………………………..
Date of death. …………………………….
Place of death: home/hospital, maternity home/traditional doctor’s place/others
Name of village/town: …………………………………………………………(in Registration Area)
(a) Age at death …………years; (b) if under one year …………………months ………..days Address of usual place of residence …………………………………………………………………….
Nationality: Nigerian/non-Nigerian …………………………………………………………………………….
Nigerian (a) State of Origin …………………………………………………… (b) Origin …………………
Marital status: married/never married/widow/divorced/separated ……………………..
(a) Literate/illiterate …………,,,,,,,,,,,(b) If literate, level of education ……………….
(b) Is Death certified by a Medical Doctor? Yes/No ………………………………………………
(c) Cause of Death ……………………………………………………………………………………………………..
Relationship of deceased …………………………………………………………………………………………… Full name (surname first) …………………………………………………………………………………….
Address of usual place of residence …………………………………………………………………….
Signature of left thumb mark of informant
Signature of registrar
FORM D.IA (Regulation 24 (1)).]
Medical certificate for cause of death
I,……………………………………………………………….of……………………………………………………………………………… hereby certify that I have medically attended ………………….of ………………………………………. who was (a) apparently, or stated to be …………………years that I last saw ………………on the ……………………………………20 ……………………was suffering from ………………………….that …………………………………………….died as I am aware, or (b)
informed, on the …… of …………………………………….,20 ……………………………, at (c)…………………………………..and that the cause of death was to the best of my knowledge or belief as herein stated—
Primary cause ……………………………………………………………………………………………………..
Secondary cause ……………………………………………………………………………………..
(d) and that the disease had continued ……………………………………………………………………
WITNESS MY HAND this ………………………………… of ……………………….20……………
Medical qualification address
State address
(a) Omit “apparently” or “or stated to be” as the case may be;
(b) Omit “aware or” when hour of death is known from report;
(c) State the time;
(d) State duration of illness if possible.
Note that by “primary cause of death” is meant the decease present at the time of death which initiated the train of events leading thereto, and not a secondary contributory or immediate cause or a terminal condition or mode of death.
FORM D.2 (Regulation 29).]
Certificate of death
Registration centre……………………………………… Certificate number:………………………
Town/village………………………………………………. Volume………….. Year…………. Entry no………….
LGA……………………………………………………………. Date………………………………………
This is to certify that the death, details of which are recorded herein, has been registered on ………………………………………….…………………………at this registration centre
Full name:
(Surname first) (In block letters)
Sex… Date of birth:…………………………………….
Age at death…
Place of birth: ………………………………………………………Town/village
Full address of usual place of residence of deceased…
Place of issue…
Name of registrar:………………………………………………………………………………………………………..
………………………….. ………………………….
Date Signature of registr ar
FORM D.2A (Regulation 29).]
Certificate of registration of death
Registration. No……………………………………….
I……………………………………… Registrar of births and deaths of………………………………………..
registration in ……………………………..Local Government Area of ………………..State, do hereby certify that I have this day registered the death of …………………………………………………who died at………………………….On………………………………
Witness my hand this………………………. day of……………………… 20……….
Signature of registrar
FORM D.3 (Regulation 26 (3)).]
Register of births
Registration centre………………………………………….. Year………………….
Town/village…………………………………………………… Volume………………… Reg. no……….
LGA………………………………………………………………… State ……………………………………………
Entry no in Death
Registration Form
Date of Death
Full name of Deceased
Sex m/f
Age of Death
State of Origin
Full address of usual
Place of residence
Relationship of informant to the deceased
Certified that the entries have been made by me on the basis of the Birth Registration forms.
Signature of registrar………………………
Name of registrar…………………………..
FORM D.3 (Regulation 26 (3)).]
Notification of death
To the registrar……………………………………… Date ………………………….
Date of death
Name of deceased
Full address of place of death
Place of usual residence of deceased
1 . Has any of the events been registered already? Yes/No ………………………………………..
2. If “yes” Form D.l Number(s) ……………………………………………………………………………………
3. If “No”-
(a) Date of issue of Notice Form No. G.F.3………………………………………………………………..
(b) Date of registration……………………………………………………………………………………………….
(c) Form B.I. number(s) ……………………………
Signature of registrar
Name of informant
Signature of informant
Name and address of institution…………………………………………………………………………….
FORM D.5 (Regulation 30).]
Registrar’s summons to appear and testify
I…………………………………………………of ……………………………………………………….hereby required to appear before me, the undersigned Registrar of Births and Deaths, at…………………………..on
the………………… day of…………………………… 20…………at……..o’clock in the…………in the……..noon, then and there testify of your knowledge concerning the…………………………………………………………of ……………………………..If you fail to appear, you will be liable to a penalty of N50,00.
Signature of registrar………………………………………………………………………….
Registration centre…………………………………………………………………………….
FORM D.6 (Regulation 31).]
Certificate of burial
This is to certify the death of ……………………………..…….late of ……………………………..……….been duly registered at page …………………………………..of volume ……………………………..…….of the Register of deaths at
……………………………………………………………………………………….I hereby give permission for the body to be interred.
Given under my hand at………………… this…………….. day of……………. 20……
Signature of registrar
FORM D.7 (Regulation 32 (b)).]
Certificate of burial of stillborn child
This is to certify that I have been notified that a child of ………………………………………………of
…………………………………………………………and of ……………………………………………………….of
…………………………………born on the ………………………………………….day of………………….. 20……………………..was stillborn.
I hereby give permission for the body to be interred.
GIVEN under my hand at………………… this……………… day of……. 20…………………
Signature of registrar
FORM D.9 (Regulation 32 (b).]
Certificate that child was stillborn by medical practitioner present at birth
I………………………………………………………………………………..of…………………………………………………… medical practitioner, hereby certify that I was present at …………………………………………………..on the…………………….. of……… when ………………………………………………………………………….gave birth to a male/female child; and the said child was not alive.
Dated at……………………. this……………………. day of…………………. 20…………
State full name and address of mother of the child
Delete where not applicable
FORM D.9 (Regulation 32 (b)).]
Certificate that child was stillborn by medical practitioner who has examined the body
I………………………………………………………………………..of…………………………………………………………… medical practitioner believe was given to by ………………………………of……………………………………. at
……………………………………………………………………..on the ………………day of…………………….and that in my opinion, the said child was not born alive. Dated at…………………………… this…………….day of………
State full name and address of mother of the child
FORM D.10 (Regulation 33 (2)).]
Notice to registrar by the magistrate or medical officer ordering burial
I………………………………………………………………….of………………………………………………………………….do hereby give notice
that on the …………………………………… of ………………….20…………… I ordered the body of ………………………………………………..of ………………………………………………….to be buried.
The person responsible for the registration or notification of the death are (state their names and address).
FORM M.I (Regulation 35 (2)).]
Notice of marriage
Registrar of Marriage for the ……………………………………………district of Nigeria hereby give notice that a marriage is intended to be had within three months from the date hereof on me, the undersigned, and the other party herein named. Name
Occupation, rank or profession
Dwelling or place of abode
Consent if any, and by whom given
WITNESS my hand this……………………… day of………………………. 20…………..
FORM M.2 (Regulation 36).] Form of attestation
Signed by the said…………………………………………….of ………………………………….……..this day of…………..
20……………… this notice having been first read over to him (her) or read…………………………. interpreted to him (her) in the…………………………… language …………………………………………………………………he (she) seemed to understand the scope and made him (her) thereto in my presence.
FORM M.3 (Regulation 38 (1)).]
Registrar’s certificate
I…………………………………. Registrar of Marriages in the……………………………district of Nigeria, do hereby certify that on the………… day of……………………………………….. 20 …………notice was entered in the Marriage Notice Book of this District, of the marriage intended between the parties named described, such notice being delivered under the hand of………………………………………… of the parties, that is-
Occupation, rank or profession
Length of residence
Notice entered………………………………………………………….20…………………
Was entered against the issue of this certificate on the…….. day of……….. 20…………
Been cancelled ……………………………………………………………………………………………………….
WITNESS MY HAND this……………………………… day of………………… 20………….
Registrar of Marriage
FORM M.4 (Regulation 39 (2)).]
Certificate of marriage
District…………………………………………… LGA …………………………………………
Date 20…..
Number When married
Names and surname
Full age of mother
Condition Rank or profession
Residence at time of marriage
Father’s name and surname
Occupation, rank or profession of father
Name of husband
Name of wife
FORM M.5 (Regulation 40 (1)).]
Form of entry of Marriage Register Book
District………………………………………….. LGA…………………………………………..
Town/village……………………………………. State………………………………………….
Registration. No
Date of entry
Date of marriage
Names and surnames
Whether full age or minor
Residential address
Father’s name and occupation
Registrar’s signature
FORM MD. 1 (Regulation 41 (2)).]
Register of Divorces (Statutory)
Registration area…………………………………… LGA………………………………….
Town/village……………………………………….. State………………………………..
Date of entry
Name of entry
Name and address of husband
Name and address of wife
Date of marriage
Date of divorce
Name of court granting divorce
Signature of registrar
FORM CM.I (Regulation 42 (3)).]
Customary Marriage Register
District…………………………………………… LGA…………………………………………
Town/village…………………………………….. State…………………………………………
Registration. no.
Date of entry
Date of marriage
Names and surname
Residential address
Father name at occupation
Signature of Court Registrar
FORM CMD.I (Regulation 43 (2)).]
Register of Divorces (customary)
District…………………………………………… LGA ………………………………………
Town/village…………………………………….. State…………………………………….
Date of entry
Name of entry
Name and address of husband
Name and address of wife
Date of marriage
Date of divorce
Name of court granting divorce
Signature of Registrar
FORM CC.1 (Regulation 47).]
Certificate of correctness of copy of entry in a register
I………………………………………………………………………………Registrar of…………………………………..
for……………………………………..district/registration area in the…………………………………………….
Local Government Area of ……………….State, do hereby certify that this is a true copy of
Entry………………. /Registration No………………. in the register………………………………………..
WITNESS MY HAND this…………………………………. day of………………………………….. 20 …………….
Signature of registrar
FORM CFR.l (Regulation 48 (1)).]
Returns by registrars
To the Assistant Chief Registrar………………………………………. Local Government Area ……………………………..
Area covered by registrar
Type of register
Number of entries for the period Remarks if any
I…………………………………………………………………….. registrar of………………………………………. registration area of ……………………………………………Local Government Area of …..…………………..State, do hereby furnish the above return and certify that the *attached are the certified true copies of the entries: birth/stillbirths/adoptions/deaths/marriage/divorces which occurred in the registration area during the period from…………………………………
WITNESS MY HAND this…………………….. day of……………………… 20……………. …………………………………….. Signature of registrar
FORM CFR (Regulation 48 (1)).]
Returns by deputy Chief Registrars
To the Chief Registrar……………………………………………………………..State………………………
Local Government Area Type of register
Number of entries for the period
Remarks, if any
I………………………………………………………………………Deputy Chief Registrar of…………………………..
Local Government Area of……………………………………State, do hereby furnish the above return and certify that the *attached are certified true copies of the entries of births/stillbirths/adoptions/deaths/marriages/divorces which occurred in the local government area during the period from……………….to…………
WITNESS MY HAND this…………………………… day of…………….. 20……………….
Signature of Deputy Chief Registrar
FORM (Regulation 48 (1)).]
Returns by Chief Registrars
To the Registrar-General………………………………………………………………………..
Type of registrar
Number of entries for the period
Remarks, if any
I………………………………………………………………………………. Chief Registrar of……………………State, do hereby furnish the above return and certify that the attached are certified true copies of entries of births/stillbirths/adoptions/deaths/marriages/divorces which occurred in the State during the quarter ended…………………………………………………………..
WITNESS MY HAND this………………………………… day of…………………. 20…………. ……………………………
Signature of Chief Registrar
FORM CFR.4 (Regulation 48 (2)).]
Certificate of non‐registration
I……………………………………………………………………of……………………………………………………………..………… hereby certify
that no births/stillbirths/death/adoption/marriage/divorce has been registered by me
in………………………………………………………………………………………..Area/Local Government Area/State during the period from *……………… /quarter ended……………..
WITNESS MY HAND this……………………………. day of…………………… 20…………………
Signature of*Registrar/Deputy Chief Registrar/Chief Registrar
SECOND SCHEDULE [Regulation 49.]
FEES (In Naira)
1. For Certificate and Registration of birth:
(a) Within the time limit (0 – 30 days) FREE
(b) After the time limit-
(i) 2 months – 12 months 50.00
(ii) 12 months and above 100.00
2. For Certificate and registration of death:
(a) Within the time limit (0 – 30 days) FREE
(b) After the time limit-
(i) 2 months – 12 months 50.00
(ii) 12 months and above 100.00
3. For each search and inspection of register FREE
4. For each certified true copy of an entry in the register 50.00
5. For names added after registration of birth 50.00
6. For correction of an error of fact in the register 50.00
The fees specified in this Schedule are subject to changes by the Registrar‐General without prior