Marriage Disputes in Nigeria: Alternative Dispute Resolution Mechanisms as a Means of Resolution


The issue of marriage disputes is without doubt one worthy of serious and utmost attention. In Nigeria, the primary and major method of resolving marriage disputes is via litigation through a petition to the court as stated in the Matrimonial Causes Act 1970. Although the Act tends to provide for another means of resolution asides litigation, it seems to be a shadow of the actual law. This article is a discourse on the current law of resolving matrimonial disputes, pointing out the inadequacies and suggest new mechanisms for resolving marriage disputes. The article recommends that Alternative Dispute Resolution Mechanisms should be utilized in resolving marriage disputes. The doctrinal research methodology was utilized.

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An Analysis of Child Marriage in Nigeria: a Case Study of Nothern Nigeria.


Child marriage is one of the subtle but disturbing problems Nigeria is faced with. This problem is predominantly practiced in Northern Nigeria. The practice of child marriage has numerous effects on its victim which can be attributed to several reasons, some of which are Vesicovaginal Fistula (VVF), susceptibility to Human Immune Virus (HIV), increased infant and mother mortality, amongst others. The government is yet to take bold and concise step towards quelling this problem, there is therefore a need for the government to take deliberate steps in combating this ill because non-apprehension and prosecution of offenders will allow them to continue perpetrating this evil against humanity hiding under religion amongst other reasons. This paper is therefore aimed at analyzing the phenomenon of child marriage in Nigeria, discussing extensively its facilitating factors and the numerous effects the horrifying practice has on its victim. Special focus is given to the Northern region of Nigeria. The paper further examines the position of Sharia Law and other regulatory framework governing child marriage in Nigeria with a consideration to the effectiveness of such laws. The paper concludes by recommending the review of the laws on child marriage in Nigeria.

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